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What else besides ventless propane?

sammiedog | Posted in General Questions on

Have they gotten worse over the years? I’ve had mine since 2006 and have had no problems until maybe last year. Now I feel like I need to replace them but don’t have much money.


  1. STEPHEN SHEEHY | | #1

    Vented propane heaters are a better option. Unvented ones at best dump lots of moisture into your house and increase CO2 levels. Just because they are legal (in some places) doesn't mean they are a good idea.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Unvented propane heaters are a bad idea. Here are some links to GBA articles on the topic:

    Avoid Unvented Gas Heaters

    A Ventless Gas Fireplace Doesn’t Belong in Your Home

    Unvented Gas Appliance Industry Fails to Impress ASHRAE

    There are many ways to heat a house, ranging from vented propane space heaters to ductless minisplits (a type of air-to-air heat pump). You wrote that you don't have much money, so I'm sure that you want an inexpensive solution.

    However, a good solution might not be inexpensive. No one can design a heating system for you house unless you provide a plan of your house, a description of the insulation levels, a description of your windows, details about how old your house is, and information about your climate or location.

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