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Foam insulation

Volvo1 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Thank you for your time to answer my question!

I have 700 square feet to insulate — is an attachment room to a frame house, built very poorly, and is very cold and hot. I’m doing now fixing up.

Question: I have walls 3 inches deep, and celling is 12 inches deep. I was going to spray foam with closed cell.

Can I maybe (to reduce cost) install fiber insulation? Or styrofoam, 1-2 inches, then spray with closed-cell over that?

Or is it a good idea to spray one inch of closed-cell and do the rest with open-cell over closed-cell?

Will there be big difference in closed-cell vs open-cell if I spray using only one type?

And last question: What is the best way to heat this room? Efficient by using electric heat?

I can’t use regular baseboard heaters. I need some other idea if you know.

What is the best way to insulate the room? Can I use a combination of spray foam (closed-cell) with some other material to reduce the cost and still be efficient?

See pictures — how it looks now.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    It seems to me that you have some very basic questions.

    Are you the homeowner or the builder? If you are the homeowner, do you have a contractor -- or are you doing the work yourself?

    Assuming that you are the homeowner, and you have a contractor, the first step is to talk with your chosen insulation contractor. What does your contractor recommend?

    For basic information on all of the various types of insulation available, I suggest that you start by reading the articles on these topics in the GBA Encyclopedia:

    Insulating Roofs, Walls, and Floors

    Insulation Choices

    Batt and Blanket Insulation

    Blown-In or Loose-Fill Insulation

    Spray Foam Insulation: Open and Closed Cell

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