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Are there different conditions when to use low-e interior versus exterior reflective windows?

EqZ4rMfadf | Posted in General Questions on

The reflection from my neighbor’s low-e window is melting the siding on my house. I have heard that it would make a difference if the south side of his home had interior reflecting windows rather than exterior reflecting windows. Is that true? We live in Connecticut so we obviously experience warm temperatures in the summer and cold temperatures in the winter. Would it have helped (assuming the contractor was aware of this reflective heat-melting problem) if the contractor had put one type windows on the south side of the neighbor’s house (which reflects and is melting the north side of our house) and different windows on the east, west and north side of his home?

Any information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Most experts have concluded that windows involved in these melted-siding cases have glazing that is slightly concave. Unfortunately, manufacturers haven't yet come up with a manufacturing process that eliminates concavity in all pressure and temperature conditions.

    There are no simple solutions. For more information, see Window Reflections Can Melt Vinyl Siding.

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