How Well Do You Understand Psychrometrics?
Test your knowledge of the science of moist air and how it behaves under different environmental conditions
Addendum to Continuous Insulation Series
This update sheds light on ICC processes and how they can impact the reading of codes, plus how to satisfy R-value requirements using wall cavity insulation only
Hot Water System Retrofit
A DIY engineered hot water system uses a hybrid water heater in heat pump–only mode with a high-efficiency boiler and indirect heater
Sizing a Heat Pump System for Cooling
Remember this rule of thumb: 5 tons is never the answer
Open-Loop vs. Closed-Loop Ground Source Heat Pumps
Some basics on the two types of GSHP systems and cautionary advice against a side-by-side comparison
Continuous Insulation, Part 1
A look at the 2021 IRC prescriptive path to continuous insulation and its benefits
Hotels Have a Humidity Problem
One book tour, 13 nights, 8 hotels and a lot of data on dew point temperature, plus the answer to the question of why hotels are so cold
Home Electricity Monitoring
A year's worth of data is informative for learning how you use energy, which shines the light on ways to economize. Here are some easy-to-adopt home-energy-use monitoring tools.
The Easy Way to Switch to a Heat Pump
If you have an air conditioner and a furnace, you have the potential for a dual-fuel heating and cooling system
Preparing an Old Home for Electrification, Part 2
Important preliminary steps to take when turning your home all-electric