Not All Moisture on Surfaces is Condensation
"Moisture accumulation" is a better term to use when talking about porous materials like wood
Understanding Wet Bulb Temperature
The "temperature of evaporation" is the lowest temperature that can be reached under ambient conditions by evaporation of water only. And it can be measured.
7 Ways Indoor Air Can Be Made Bad
Good indoor air quality is easily ruined by unthinking occupants
Introducing the 120-volt Plug-in Heat Pump Water Heater
The good news is the model can save thousands of dollars. The downside is limited backup heat, which could mean running out of hot water.
Do Hydrogen Blends Make Sense for Home Heating?
A look at why this touted technology for decarbonization could actually hinder that goal
Common Mechanical Room Obstructions
When designing a new house, give thought to where the ducts will go and exactly how they will get there
7 Tips for Good Indoor Air Quality in Winter
While most of this advice applies year-round, there are a few nuances related to improving indoor air quality during the winter months
Getting the Most Out of Blower Door Test Results
Understanding blower door calculations beyond air exchanges per hour at 50 Pascals can yield useful information for achieving efficiency goals
Three Types of Heat Pumps
Pros and cons of single-, two-, and multi-stage heat pumps for heating and cooling
Hydrogen and Replacing Fossil Fuels
A color-coded guide to the most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen, which is poised to play a large role in phasing down fossil fuels and cleaning up the grid