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Videos- Page 8 of 18

  • Green Basics

    How to Replace a Roof

    Replacing Roof Shingles: This video shows how to strip old asphalt shingles off a roof and how to install new asphalt shingle roofing.

  • Green Basics

    How to Install Exterior French Doors

    Exterior French DoorsA veteran remodeler shows you how to install and adjust hinged double doors for smooth operation.

  • Green Basics

    Tile a Barrier-Free Bathroom

    How to create a roll-in shower: Master tile setter Tom Meehan combines a time-tested mortar base with a modern waterproofing membrane and a linear drain to create an easy-access shower.

  • Green Basics

    Inspecting Old Houses

    Home Inspection Basics: This video series shows how an inspector identifies problems in a vintage home

  • Green Basics

    Stop Ceiling Fan Blade Wobble

    In this video, Fernando Pages Ruiz shows you how to balance the blades of a ceiling fan to eliminate wobble.

  • Green Basics

    How to Replace an Old Entry Door

    Best Practices for Installing a New Entry Door: Replacing a weathered or inefficient entry door can have a great impact on the comfort, appearance and value of a home.

  • Green Building Blog

    Part 5 of GBA’s Passivhaus Video Series

    ‘Installing High-Performance Windows,’ the fifth episode in a series of videos on a Passivhaus project, shows the installation of triple-glazed Makrowin windows from Slovakia

  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 5

    In “Installing High-Performance Windows,” the fifth episode in a series of videos on a Passivhaus project, the crew installs triple-glazed Makrowin windows from Slovakia

  • Green Building Blog

    Part 4 of GBA’s Passivhaus Video Series

    ‘Framing for Efficiency’ is the fourth episode in a series of videos on the construction of a Passivhaus in ­Falmouth, Massachusetts

  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 4

    In “Framing for Efficiency,” the fourth episode in a series of videos on Passivhaus construction, the framing crew erects double-stud walls