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Videos- Page 18 of 18

  • Video

    Vented Rainscreen Siding Assemblies

  • Video

    How to Use My GBA

    My GBA is a project management tool that allows you to share paid content from with non-paying members of your team. Your architect, subcontractors, customers or even the building…

  • Green Building News

    How to Sell Green Homes

    A video tour shows just what buyers need to see to appreciate sustainability It’s easy to showcase attractive trim packages, high-quality kitchen cabinets, and granite countertops, but how do you…

  • Building Science

    Video Tip: Self Draining Sill Pans

    Water Can Collect at Window Sills Installing windows is tricky— A window is basically a big hole in an otherwise continuous surface that's insulated and protected from rain and wind.…