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Windows- Page 14 of 14

  • Article

    New Life for Old Double-Hung Windows

    With new weatherstripping, weights, pulleys, and ropes, you can improve performance without compromising historical authenticity There's a good reason why traditional double-hung windows have long lives: They use a simple…

  • Article

    Window Installation Done Right

    Doing everything to ensure a leakproof job? If you don’t include the housewrap, use a sill pan, and flash the flanges, the work is far from watertightInstalling windows properly involves…

  • Article

    Get the Right Replacement Windows

    They're a big investment with a big potential payoff. Here's what you need to know about types, warranties, comfort, and installation

  • Blogs

    Classic and Durable Window and Door Trim Details

    For durable window details look no farther than the oldest houses on your block. Build small roofs over windows and doors; recess them into the wall if you can. The…