Wind Energy- Page 3 of 4
Judge Cuts Hours for Massachusetts Wind Turbines
Some Falmouth residents living nearby had complained that turbines were responsible for a variety of health problems
Wind Farm Sued Over Noise
An Oregon homeowner claims that he moved from his home to escape turbine ‘infrasound’ that caused health problems
Wind Energy in U.S. on the Rise
The Department of Energy reports dramatic growth in wind-generated electricity, which is now at more than 60 gigawatts of total capacity
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine is Launched in Maine
The prototype is the first of its kind in North America and follows five years of research and development at the University of Maine
Fire Knocks Out a Maine Wind Turbine
An unusual event at a western Maine wind farm could mean a $4 million loss for the turbine's Canadian owner
Commercial-Scale Wind Power
Large wind turbines provide one of the solutions we so desperately need to address climate change — so why are so many Vermonters opposed to wind development?
Wind Power: Why it Doesn’t Make Sense Everywhere
I’m a huge fan of wind power, but we should recognize that some applications of wind don’t make sense
Wind Power Getting Cheaper, Turbines More Efficient
By 2016, the cost of electricity generated by onshore wind turbines will be competitive with the cost of power from fossil-fuel plants, recent research shows
Vermont’s Largest Wind Farm Officially Goes Online
The turbines are now spinning at the new 40-megawatt wind project in Sheffield, Vermont
Utility Wind Energy: Bad News for Bears
Stormwater and habitat impacts of big wind projects can be huge