Vapor Barrier- Page 2 of 3
Outward Vapor Diffusion
Airtight wall and roof assemblies must accound for outward wintertime vapor diffusion to prevent moisture accumulation problems
Second Guessing an Insulation Upgrade
A homeowner has added a layer of rigid insulation to some interior walls, and now wonders if he’s made a big mistake
What Happens When You Put a Plastic Vapor Barrier in Your Wall?
A look at the physics of humid air and cool surfaces
Understanding Air Barriers, Vapor Barriers, and Drainage Planes
These three terms refer to different materials that are easy to confuse
All About Attic Venting
We vent attics for four reasons, and all four goals can be better achieved by adopting measures other than attic venting
The History of Peeling Paint, Insulation, and Vapor Barriers
When painters objected to painting insulated houses in the 1930s, building scientists latched onto the wrong solution
Smart Vapor Retarders
Modern replacements for the troublesome old poly vapor barrier have low permeance in cool, dry weather, and high permeance in humid weather
How to Deal With a Vapor Barrier Edict
When a local code inspector insists on an interior polyethylene vapor barrier, plans for a simple addition to a Canadian home suddenly get more complicated
Do I Need a Vapor Retarder?
Someday, builders will stop asking this recurring question — but unfortunately, that day has not yet come
Vapor Barriers Redux
Are there any risks if you build an exterior wall without an interior polyethylene vapor retarder?