Relative Humidity
Running Bath Fans to Control Humidity
To know whether bath fans will help or hinder, compare the indoor and outdoor dew points
10 Ways to Reduce Your Indoor Humidity
Get the low-hanging fruit that can help to lower humidity levels before you turn on a dehumidifier
5 Facts About Dew Point Temperature
A brief lesson on dew point temperature and its impact on human comfort
Humidity, Health, and Cold Climates
Air-sealing is an oft-overlooked strategy for maintaining relative humidity for a healthy indoor environment for people and buildings
Cold Air Is Dry Air
Don't be fooled by the relative humidity
FAQ: Air Conditioning and High Humidity
Indoor air cools quickly, but the equipment doesn't run long enough to reduce humidity
Why Is My Attic Damp?
The cause depends on whether you have an unconditioned attic or a conditioned attic
Condensation on Swim Masks and Bathroom Mirrors
Large volumes of air reduce condensation risk
Controlling Humidity in Winter
Hint: Airtight homes usually don’t have a problem with dry air
The Air in My House Is Too Dry
In Ontario, a homeowner wonders why relative humidity inside his house is so low and what he can do to raise it