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Nevada Solar Customers Win a Round
Customers who have already installed photovoltaic (PV) systems will keep full retail net metering
Apartment Owner Makes Unusually Big Push for Solar
A Minnesota partnership has concluded that the time is right to invest $1.6 million in PV systems
Solar Contagion and Lessons for Other Energy Upgrades
What makes solar power contagious, and can home energy upgrades spread the same way?
Floating Solar: A Win-Win for Drought-Stricken Lakes
Floating solar arrays are being deployed in Brazil and Japan, and they could work in the U.S., too
Batteries for Off-Grid Homes
Batteries are still expensive, so homeowners are unlikely to be disconnecting from the grid anytime soon
Fannie Mae’s Financing for Solar is a Game Changer
Mortgage companies play an important role in making photovoltaic systems more affordable and accessible for homeowners
Residential Solar in Nevada Benefits All, Study Says
The finding by SolarCity and the Natural Resources Defense Council rebuts claims that net metering benefits only solar customers
When Will Rooftop Solar Be Cheaper Than the Grid?
In asking that question, people often compare apples to oranges, forgetting that the answer varies from place to place
Maine Solar Bill, SunEdison Bankruptcy, New England Net Metering
A roundup of recent developments in green building
Solar Potential Is Far Greater Than Earlier Estimates
A new study says rooftop PV arrays could generate 39% of current electricity sales, and ground-mounted arrays would add even more