Public Transportation
Parking Reform as Urban Game Changer
Modifying parking rules could reenergize downtowns. Here's what happened when Buffalo changed its zoning rules.
Coronavirus and the Fragility of Auto-Centric Cities
We need a vision of transportation that does not stop at EVs, but includes back-to-basics, cost-effective, low-carbon alternatives
Clean Transportation Is the Northeast’s Next Frontier
Residents in the region are clamoring for updated transportation choices that reduce pollution
Why Is the U.S. Unwilling to Pay for Good Public Transportation?
The American Society of Civil Engineers gives the nation’s infrastructure only a D+
Getting Around Without Fossil Fuels
While challenging, it is possible to meet our transportation needs while reducing our dependence on fossil fuels
Houses Versus Cars
When trimming your energy budget, don’t forget transportation
Getting Around in Sweden
I had the great fortune two years ago to spend a couple weeks in Sweden. In late December 2007 I was visiting my daughter, who was studying at Lund University.…
Where You Build May Matter More Than What You Build
The transportation-energy intensity—how much energy is used by people who commute to a building—can often be more energy than the building uses itself