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HVAC- Page 12 of 12

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    Central Air Conditioning: Bigger Isn’t Better

    Whether it's new or a replacement, a properly sized and installed system affords greater savings and comfortWhether upgrading your underpowered air conditioning system, or installing a brand new unit, it…

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    Breathing Fresh Air Into Bathroom Ventilation

    Powerful, quiet exhaust fans and their smart switches have made it easy to avoid mold, mildew, and stale air in the bath This overview of bathroom ventilation explains how to…

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    Small House, Built Right

    Think $50 per square foot and $50 a month for utilities are unattainable? Government-sponsored research proves otherwise This house in Cleveland is part of the Building America program, whose goal…

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    Energy-Saving Thermostats

    Today's high-tech thermostats can turn down the heat (or air conditioning) when you're not home and turn it back on before you return. Here you'll get an explanation of three…