Green Building- Page 6 of 8
A Custom Builder’s First EarthCraft House
In the journery to build green homes, Energy Star is square 1. Now, it was time to jump beyond energy efficient homes and into green building certification.
A Custom Builder’s Journey to Green
Part 1: Green building won’t seem as scary if you start with a small step — perhaps an Energy Star home
Not So Big House, Green Building, and New Urbanism Converge
Architect/Author Sarah Susanka declares a joint venture between better homes, better neighborhoods, and a brighter future in the housing market.
Greenprints Recap
Regional conferences serve a purpose
A Big-House Tests Green Cred in Berkeley
The Bay Area town designates as green a planned 6,500-sq.-ft. house, with a 3,400-sq.-ft. garage, kicking off a new round in the green-house/big-house debate
Making Green Mainstream
On Wednesday, December 30, 2009, the New York Times headline read “New Slip in Housing Prices Undercuts Fragile Optimism.” As disappointing as that may sound, I think that it is…
Why Does Green Building Matter? (Part 2) – Building Science Podcast
Improving our buildings is the cheapest way to deal with pollution, energy, and resource issues
Why Does Green Building Matter? – Building Science Podcast
Building construction uses more resources than the auto and aerospace industries combined
Gray Water: A Precious Resource
Gray water use avoids waste and saves in at least three ways
Going Deep Green in Gainesville
A Florida couple originally planned an extensive remodel, but ended up committing to green deconstruction, design, and rebuilding No matter how much the downturn rattles the housing market, location is…