Fresh Air
Ventilation Requirements in the Covid Era
Should we be increasing our ventilation rates?
Ducting HRVs and ERVs
Delivering ventilation air through heating or cooling ducts is a bad idea
Revisiting Ventilation
An updated overview of residential ventilation systems
All About Indoor Air Quality
Which materials, substances, and practices are important to keep your indoor air fresh and healthy?
Where Does the Air Come From?
Are the various registers and diffusers in your home bringing in outdoor air or recirculating indoor air?
Stuffy Offices Lower Cognitive Function
Office workers would feel better and work more effectively if they had access to fresh air, a new study says
Providing Fresh Air in Our Home
A quick overview of ventilation systems
ASHRAE 62.2 Committee Chair Defends Ventilation Standard
Paul Francisco says there are good reasons not to lower ventilation rates, and that exhaust ventilation isn't necessarily worse than supply or balanced ventilation
Sniffing Out House Problems
Sometimes your nose is the best defense against thermal and moisture defects
Is Green Building for Everyone?
What about homeowners who like fresh air and minimal mechanical systems?