Better Energy Efficiency With Insulated Headers
A detail for creating a cavity to hold insulation at window and door openings
The BS* + Beer Show: Advancements in Framing
From balloon framing to modular construction, we track the progression of building materials and methods
Saving Sustainably: Framing the Second Floor
Framing a house by yourself calls for a little ingenuity (and some heavy lifting)
Saving Sustainably: Framing the First Floor
Advanced framing techniques use less lumber and leave more room for insulation
Flatrock Passive: Framing and Air Sealing
Exterior walls are framed with 2x8s and insulated with fiberglass batts and exterior foam
Urban Rustic: Let the Framing Begin
Framing starts with mudsills and more air sealing
Three Easy and Essential Advanced Framing Techniques
Stick-built homes that don’t use these techniques are missing an easy opportunity to save energy and cut construction costs
Fixing a Glitch in a Double-Stud Wall
The framer leaves out a key wall component. Now what?
Framing Begins at the Potwine Passivhaus
A discussion of wall and floor framing — and ruminations on design tricks for small homes
Framing and Air-Sealing Tips for High-Performance Walls
New videos from Hammer and Hand feature framer Val Darrah, who shares his techniques for building Passivhaus walls