Foundation- Page 12 of 13
Building Plans for the Energy Star Thermal Bypass Checklist
How to Build an Energy Star Home: Construction Details That Help You to Build Tight Houses — The First Time There are six sections in the Thermal Bypass Checklist: 1…
Deep Energy Retrofit: Focus on the Envelope
You can't expect to cut a home's energy use by 50% without a serious renovation of its exterior envelope. For all its components—walls, roof, foundation, slab—the details need to be worked out.
High Performance Scopes of Work
Contract language containing pre- and post-checklists and performance-based evaluation can integrate trade contractors for green results
Water Damage in Brick Basement
Seasoned builders and a moisture expert debate whether rising damp or a blocked chimney caused this brick column to crumble.
Efflorescence = Water Damage — Building Science Podcast
The white powder on the surface of brick, block, and mortar between rocks is water and salt attacking these porous materials. In new construction you can prevent it — in old houses, you can only control it.
Rigid Foam Insulation
Versatile and Effective, Rigid Foam Can Be Used in Walls, Roofs, and Foundations UPDATED 8/9/2012
Ground Gutters
Low-maintenance alternative to a roof gutter
Soil: The Other Half of the Foundation
Understanding the stuff the house sits on may prevent cost overruns, callbacks and neighborhood gossip
Insulation Overview
The Job of Insulation Is to Slow Heat Flow — UPDATED 11/16/2012
The Perfect Wall, Roof, and Slab — Building Science Podcast
Dr. Joe Lstiburek talks about enclosure design principles for energy-efficient houses. Insulation, air conditioning, heating, and forced-air delivery systems have all changed the physics of how houses work. Houses didn’t used to rot, but too many of them do now.