Exterior Rigid Foam
Choosing Wall Insulation for a New Build
What’s the best combination of exterior and interior insulation for a “forever” home?
Continuous Insulation, Part 2
An overview of the products most commonly used for exterior insulation and considerations for detailing this type of wall assembly
Installing Rigid Foam Above Roof Sheathing
An updated look at roof assemblies that include a continuous layer of exterior insulation
Insulating Concrete Foundation Walls
Start with a check of the codes, and take care of any water problems first
Three Ways to Insulate Roofs
There are many ways to insulate attics and roofs, but these are the safest methods
Persistent Worries About Exterior Rigid Foam
Why do some builders foresee problems for foam-sheathed walls?
Deep-Set Brickmold Trim for ‘Innie’ Windows
A Canadian manufacturer has developed waterproof exterior jamb extensions for vinyl windows
The Viability of ThermalBuck
Is ThermalBuck a face-sealed or a water-managed window installation system — or a little of both?
A Builders’ Guide from British Columbia
The city of Vancouver has published a guide to high-R walls
Comparing High-Performance Wall Options
An owner-builder aiming for R-50 exterior walls ponders the best way of reaching his goal