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Energy Efficiency- Page 21 of 22

  • Article

    Solar Hot Water

    No matter where you live, a solar system can reduce energy costs and provide a reliable supply of domestic hot water With rising energy prices, taking advantage of the sun's…

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    SIPs: Are They Right for Your Next Project?

    Structural insulated panels make stronger homes that go up faster and reduce energy bills dramatically

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    The Energy Smart Kitchen

    Choose the right appliances to curb your home's energy appetiteYour kitchen consumes the most electricity of any room in your house. Refrigerators and freezers are the most voracious, but even…

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    Home Remedies for Energy Nosebleeds

    How to cut your energy bills in half Traditional construction techniques can often leave gaps that can lead to energy losses. You can end up with a home that is…

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    Energy Efficient from the Ground Up

    An energy efficient house in Vermont uses SIPs, ICF, solar water, and radiant floor heating

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    The Greenest House in America

    Although it's healthful, low maintenance, and easy on the environment, this Texas home is also lots of fun to live in This article features the new home of an architect…

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    Design a Home That Keeps You Cool, Naturally

    Let in the breeze, keep out the sun, and stay comfortable when things heat up outside Air conditioners are great at cooling down houses, but they're also great at boosting…

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    Get the Right Replacement Windows

    They're a big investment with a big potential payoff. Here's what you need to know about types, warranties, comfort, and installation

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    Zero Energy, Infinite Appeal

  • Building Science

    I-joists are not ductwork

    What’s wrong with this picture? a) The rim joist is too heavily notched. b) Using framing cavities as duct runs is frowned upon by codes and professional associations. c) This…