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Energy Efficiency- Page 20 of 22

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    Why Add a Tank to a Tankless Water Heater?

    Instant water heaters save energy and offer endless hot water, but not without some problems. A small tank and a big pump can fix the flawsEver been hit by a…

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    Green Appeal, Craftsman Feel

    Testing an attainable approach to green practices, an architect designs his own home for a friendly fit in a historic districtWhen architect Michael McDonough found the building lot of his…

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    The New Age of Photovoltaics

    Testing an attainable approach to green practices, an architect designs his own home for a friendly fit in a historic districtToday's photovoltaics have come a long way since the solar-energy…

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    Attic-Insulation Upgrade

    Seal air leaks first; then add extra insulation for an energy-saving improvement with great bang for the buck by Mike Guertin

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    Cheaper Hot Water

    Yes, you can put your hot-water system on an energy diet; master plumber and author Dave Yates will show you how. Each of the six strategies that he shares in…

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    A Brick Rehab Meets LEED’s Highest Standards

    Solar panels aside, you can't see the upgrades that make this downtown remodel so energy efficient When architect Richard Renner saw an old brick store for sale, he envisioned it…

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    Stop Drafts With a Drop-Down Door Seal

    This hidden mechanism retracts when the door is open and eliminates the need for a bulky threshold Keeping a house warm in winter and cool in summer can be a…

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    Making the Green-Building Dean’s List

    LEED for Homes is a new, comprehensive national certification program for green, energy-efficient homes. Builders who’ve tried it like it, but will it change the way houses are built? Developers…

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    Pointed at the Sun

    An innovative solar-heating system is the foundation of an artist’s small country house, where an equally smart plan accommodates both life and work

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    My Mountain Bungalow

    A first-time owner/builder with a modest budget pools talent and resources to create an energy-efficient cottage with rich Craftsman details