Cool Roof
Denver’s Green Roof Law is History
The City Council repeals the measure passed last year and replaces it with a cool roof ordinance
Cool Roofs Cut Urban Water Consumption
An LBNL study predicts widespread adoption of “cool roof” coverings would save millions of gallons of water per day
Researchers Find New Way to Keep Roofs Cool
Scientists learn that ruby-red pigments can stay just as cool as a white surface, pointing the way to cooler buildings and vehicles
Green and Cool Roofs Provide Relief for Hot Cities
The roofs should be sited carefully, because unintended effects on wind patterns may offset some of their benefits
A New Roof Over the Old One
Cap a swaybacked roof with a layer of new rafters and a blanket of energy-saving foam
Staying Cool with a Metal Roof
Metal roofs are durable and recyclable — but do they really save energy?
Linking Finishes with Energy
Although there is a lot of interest in green finish materials, they don’t tend to come up often in the context of building energy performance. However, they do have the…