Bonus Room
Detailing a Bonus Space in a High-Performance Home
A room above an unconditioned garage and below a vented attic in a cold climate requires special considerations
A Builder’s Home, Done Right
Starting with stock plans, a builder prioritized envelope details and made modifications to fit his family and their future
Conditioned Space Meets Unconditioned Garage, Part II
A floor assembly that ensures a continuous air barrier, thermal comfort, and humidity control in a room above a garage
Bonus Room Problems
Air leaks at kneewalls often lead to comfort complaints
Origami-Inspired Homes
When designers create sprawling houses with multiple bump-outs, it’s difficult for builders to create an uninterrupted air barrier
Insulating the Roof of a Bonus Room
A homeowner faces a familiar problem: Turning an uninsulated space over the garage into a comfortable office
Should I Insulate My Garage Door?
The somewhat surprising answer: probably not