Site Map
- Old log farmhouse: single component spray foam between logs before re-chinking? Off-gas possible?
- Insulating walls in an old house
- How do you insulate with rigid foam under decking in cathedral ceiling?
- Combatting long recovery times during cold weather with a heat-pump water heater
- How important when insulating with foam board is it to be for the joints be overlapped, or pieces be foamed in place?
- What’s the best way to reroof and add insulation to this older house?
- Should I be worried about condensation in the wall?
- Tape seams of exterior sheathing on double-stud walls or not?
- Vinyl siding over stucco
- I am managing all of the reclaimed materials off of the Colorado Mills Mall Project and am looking for volume buyers.
- How do I contact a GBA member who hasn’t posted in a while?
- Do I need plastic sheeting (polyethylene) in a wall that has spray foam?
- Spray foam VOC: trans 1,2-dichloroethene