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Videos- Page 10 of 18

  • Green Basics

    Video: Dense-packed cellulose

    How to install dense-packed cellulose insulation in walls: Two representatives from National Fiber, Bill Hulstrunk and Chris White, share their dense-packing tips

  • Green Basics

    Video: Duct Sealing and Leak Testing

    Duct sealing and duct leakage testing: Two experts from Conservation Services Group, Eric Wilder and Will D’Arrigo, explain how to seal duct seams with mastic and how to use a Duct Blaster to test duct tightness

  • Green Basics

    Video: Duct Sealing and Leak Testing

    Duct sealing and duct leakage testing: Two experts from Conservation Services Group, Eric Wilder and Will D’Arrigo, explain how to seal duct seams with mastic and how to use a Duct Blaster to test duct tightness

  • Green Basics

    Video: How to Hang Airtight Drywall (1 of 3)

    Myron Ferguson shows how drywall can make your house more energy efficient when installed with caulk, canned foam, gaskets, and airtight electrical boxes

  • Green Basics

    Video: How to Hang Airtight Drywall (3 of 3)

    Hanging the Walls: Install polystyrene Energy Blocks behind electrical boxes, and cut back the cured spray foam before taping

  • Green Basics

    Video: How to Hang Airtight Drywall (2 of 3)

    Hanging the ceiling: Use drywall adhesive to seal between the drywall and each framing member, and try not to smear the adhesive when installing the drywall

  • Green Basics

    VIDEOS: Job Site Visits

    GREEN JOB SITES AROUND THE COUNTRY Real people building green homes all over the place

  • Green Basics

    Flanged Window Replacement in a House with Wood Siding (5/5)

    Step 5: Flash, Trim, and Seal the WindowWatch remodeler Bill Robinson as he shows how to use a combination of materials to flash over the flanges, and install a pre-built casing over the new window.

  • Green Basics

    Flanged Window Replacement in a House with Wood Siding (4/5)

    Step 4: Install the WindowWatch remodeler Bill Robinson as he applies sealant to the window flange, checks the window for plumb, level, and square, and fastens the flanges to secure the window.

  • Green Basics

    Flanged Window Replacement in a House with Wood Siding (3/5)

    Step 3: Prepare the OpeningLearn how to clean the existing rough opening and inspect for damage before installing the new window. Also, see how to waterproof the opening with self-adhesive flashing tape.