Blogs- Page 42 of 598
Five Ways to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Your Home
Start by understanding the difference between energy use and embodied carbon and "now" and "later" emissions to set your priorities
Why Ambitious Tree Planting Projects Usually Fail
Many projects are ill-conceived and poorly managed and often don't grow any forests at all
Protecting a Concrete Slab Through a Long Winter
Without a heated building above it, is a frost-protected shallow foundation at risk of damage from below-freezing temperatures?
Eight Myths About Electrification
Understanding some of the common objections to the push for electrification
Strategies for Cooling Your House
Does turning the air conditioning off when you're not home actually save energy?
Built From Earth and By the Community
A Minneapolis couple create their dream strawbale home with a focus on high performance and energy efficiency
How Safe Are Glass Deck Guards?
Sometimes called 'railings,' guards should keep people from falling off a deck or balcony
How to Kill the Performance of Your Insulation
Understand the impacts of thermal bridging from exterior insulation attachment systems
Alaska Builder Faces an Insulating Dilemma
His desire to stay foam-free launches a search for other options, but some products have been hard to find
Replacing an Air Conditioner With a Same-Size Heat Pump
When replacing a furnace with a heat pump, it's critical to determine the heating and cooling loads; do not assume the current system is sized correctly