Blogs- Page 10 of 597
Review of the Four Control Layers
Pop Quiz: Which one is not like the others?
Three Ways to Test a Dehumidifier
Determine if your dehumidifier is working to its rated capacity and efficiency using a few inexpensive diagnostic tools and these calculations
Prospects of Cleaner Iron and Steel
A new report is “cautiously optimistic” about global efforts to decarbonize iron and steel production
Building Science Symposiums 2024
Industry leaders share critical information for anyone interested in deepening their building science knowledge
Getting Continuous Exterior Insulation Right
From choosing products to their compatibility with other control layers to assemblies that work, take a deep dive into CEI
Pretty Good House Benchmarks and Assemblies
Meet high-performance energy efficiency goals by following the PGH approach to designing and building
Venting Bathroom Exhaust Air
Never terminate bathroom exhaust ducts in an attic, where added humidity can lead to mold issues and expensive repairs
Federal Housing Finance Agency Could Soon Adopt Model Energy Codes
Coalition of organizations has urged the agency to require latest codes for all new homes with mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
A Buyer’s Guide to Carbon Credits
Tools for carbon credit buyers looking for vetted data on where to invest
Vapor Retarders for Foundation Walls
Should you use a polyethylene vapor retarder on the interior of a foundation wall?