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ZIP R Sheathing ends

Tiziano | Posted in General Questions on

I’m reading this article ( ) and read this:

“To protect the foam and air-seal the bottom edge of ZIP R-sheathing, Jake uses a double bottom plate. The first plate is wider, by the thickness of the sheathing, than the second plate.”

If I read that right, the bottom plate goes down first. It sticks out beyond the second plate and provides a ledge for the ZIP R panel to rest upon.

But doesn’t that negate part of the reason for the ZIP R panel? There’s no insulation covering whatever part of that bottom plate that sticks out. And it runs from the outside at the bottom of the ZIP all the way into the room at floor level.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    You are right. I find a better solution for all types of exterior insulation is to set the sill-plate in so that the bottom of the foam is protected by the stem-wall below, and the cladding ends up in the same relationship to the concrete as it would if there was no insulation.

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