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XPS in Dricore

bevett | Posted in General Questions on

I’m insulating my basement floor and have height issues. The most convenient solution would be Dricore R+. I’m trying to understand the current state of XPS in this product. I’ve read that they’ve changed the blowing agent for XPS in recent years to reduce its GWP, but I can’t figure out if that’s true for all XPS, and whether the stuff they use in the Dricore panels is made this way. Does anybody know?

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  1. seabornman | | #1

    When I bought Foamular XPS (over a year ago) for a project, some of the sheets were stamped with info showing they were made with the new blowing agent, and some weren't. I think you'll have to ask the manufacturer.

  2. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #2

    I'm not sure which XPS product Dricore is using, but even the reduced-GWP XPS is worse than almost any other insulation option when it comes to up-front carbon emissions.

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