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Wood basement drainage?

user-1137156 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

My understanding is that very well executed drainage is vital to the success of a PWF basement.
The designs I’ve seen typically have a crushed rock or washed gravel layer under the basement’s walls and floor, 4″ or 6″ thick. They also backfill at least 1/2 way up with the drain rock. My questions are: Would a 1″ layer of Roxul ” Drain Board be a proper replacement for the back fill rock? Is filter fabric on the outside of the wall’s drainage medium needed?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The American Wood Council is responsible for establishing and maintaining the specifications for a permanent wood foundation (PWF). Here is a link to the website: Permanent Wood Foundation Design Specification.

    The web site promotes an e-mail address ( info [at] @awc [dot] org ) where you can submit technical questions regarding AWC design standards.

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