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Window in Concrete Wall and Thermal Bridging

Pott0120 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Thank you for the all the help as I try and build a “Pretty Good House”.  I am building a home in climate zone 5 in Salt Lake. I am about to start construction of my home and realized I have two windows that will likely have thermal bridging.

My basement walls are 8″ concrete and R10 EPS + 2×4 with blown foam, how do I transition to the window openings? I tried to find the answer and it appears to be run 2″ of foam to buck out to the window. I also found a post stating that the window rough opening should be +12″ in height and width. I couldn’t find any details in the library showing this. I suspect the details exist, but I am just a poor navigator.

Any assistance to find a detail would be helpful. My contractor is willing to work with me but the more specific I am the better the results will be.   I highlighted to two windows of concern.

Thanks again for the help.

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Because the window is part of the air control layer and thermal control layer, I like to recess it. Here are details from the last one I detailed, for inspirational purposes only. It was for a renovation but wouldn't be much different for new construction.

    The image appears to be blurry, no matter what I do. Sorry about that; I can't figure out how to fix it.

    1. GBA Editor
      Kiley Jacques | | #2

      . . . working behind the scenes to get those drawings to post legibly, hang tight.

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