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Window Frame

plumb_bob | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

Climate zone 7A.

I have a building, that because of spatial separation issues, has several windows that require a 45min fire resistance rating. This means they are a specialized product, and the frames are noncombustible and un-insulated.

This is leading to condensation concerns.

If the interior side of the window frames are included in the air/vapour barrier layer, condensation should not occur. I am trying to come up with a detail that will make this happen. Regardless, there will be a custom trim detail around these windows.

Any suggestions?

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  1. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #1

    I'm trying to figure out what you're asking. These are windows between a house and a garage? Or on the property line?

    This has me baffled: "If the interior side of the window frames are included in the air/vapour barrier layer, condensation should not occur." Can you elaborate on what that means?

  2. plumb_bob | | #2

    These windows are on the exterior wall of a residence, facing a property line. Because of a reduced setback to property line, they must be noncombustible and have a fire resistance rating, which has resulted in the window frames being un-insulated.
    My though process is if the cold condensing surface of the window frames is separated from the moist interior air by the poly layer, condensation should not be able to occur. Hoping somebody might have a good idea how to go about this.

    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #3

      The thing that's going to prevent condensation is insulation.

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