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Window and siding detail

user-2310254 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I’m hoping someone can point me to a detail that my designer can drop in plan.

Here is what I am considering for the exterior wall section as follows (from interior to exterior):

-Half-inch air sealed drywall (all the interior walls are covered with shiplap siding)
-2×6 stud
-Compacted cellulose
-15/32 exterior rated OSB (seams sealed with Nashua #330X Extreme Weather tape)
-Dupont Commercial D house wrap
-Half-inch Rigid Foam (all joints taped)
-Dupont Rain Screen Battens on studs (or maybe 1×3 nailers as battens)
-Insect sheet at the bottom as well.
-Hardi Planks

The windows will be Anderson 100 and carefully sealed to prevent leaks (fingers crossed). With the foam and Hardie, we probably need to add a bid of flashing.

As a model, I following suggestions from Matt Risinger’s blog. (Here is the one on flashing, BTW:

So are we getting too worked up about this. If we describe the detail and point the subs to some details how-tos, is that enough? Of course, the best thing would be if some could point me to a construction detail we can use or adapt.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

PS. I attaching an example of the kind of look for are shooting for with the siding.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm not quite sure what you are asking for -- but it seems that your designer isn't sure how to flash your window openings, and you are looking for details to help your designer. Is that right?

    First of all, the GBA website has lots of details. For example, some of our details can be found on this page: Building Details for Leak-Free Windows and Siding.

    Second, there are a few worrisome issues in your post. I would be wary of a designer who was unfamiliar with window flashing details. You wrote, "The windows will be Anderson 100 and carefully sealed to prevent leaks (fingers crossed). With the foam and Hardie, we probably need to add a bit of flashing." But the way to prevent leaks is not to "seal" a window. What you need to do is flash the rough opening. In other words, flashing isn't something that you "probably need." It is essential.

    Finally, you never mentioned your location or climate zone. In many locations in the U.S., you will need more than 1/2 inch of exterior foam to keep your wall cavities above the dew point during the winter. More information here: Calculating the Minimum Thickness of Rigid Foam Sheathing.

  2. user-2310254 | | #2

    Hi Martin:

    I am in Zone 3. Excuse my terminology confusion. I did mean to say the window opening will be flashed using Dupont Flex Pan Wrap and Dupont Straight Flash. The flashing will be integrated with Dupont Commercial D WRD layer, which will be installed over the OSB. The sill in each opening will be beveled 5 degrees and then wrapped. The gap between the bottom of the windown and the sill will be foamed to prevent windblown water from migrating back into the structure.

    When the foam and siding are attached, I expect the siding to be proud of the window frame. In the picture I included, the builder attached aluminum trim along the perimeter of the window frame. This is really an aesthetic detail.

    I understand how these steps are supposed to be done but am having trouble coming up with details to show subs so they can provide an accurate bid.

    I was hoping someone might know of existing drawing details that would meet my need. What's on the green building site is not quite a match.

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