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window and door recommendations

Trevor_Lambert | Posted in General Questions on

Looking for recommendations for high performing but somewhat reasonably priced windows and doors for my garage/workshop. Preferably near southern Ontario, but I’ll consider options from further away.

I thought I’d read that Alpen was a relatively cheaper option compared to Euro brands, but I got a bit of sticker shock when I got a quote. $4700US for a door, $2400US for an operable 36×60 window. These are more than triple what I paid for European made, passivhaus certified windows for my house a few years ago. I know there’s inflation, but come on (in Jimmy Valmer’s voice).

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  1. andy_ | | #1

    How high performance do you need or want? If it's just for a workshop you can get decent performance for the price from some of the big brands. Casements will seal up better than double hung or god forbid, sliders.
    I like the Andersen 100 series casements for this kind of use.

  2. woodstock_dan | | #2

    I suggest checking with Access Window and Door Design Centre in Manitoba; excellent Passive House windows at a reasonable price. I've installed them in a current new build in New York but don't have long term experience yet, though I'm pleased with the quality.

  3. MickButler | | #3

    I have never bought anything from but you can custom make the window to whatever you want and see how it effects the price in real time. Again I've never used it but looked like a cool concept to me.

    1. Tim_O | | #5

      I like their website. I contacted them to see if they had interest in selling to the US, but didn't get a response. Supposedly someone I came across on Reddit ordered from them, but they also didn't reply to me. I used their website to dial in some of my sizes, find thresholds that triggered major price increases, etc.

  4. Tim_O | | #4

    How close to Detroit in Southern Ontario? I am building about 45 minutes west of Detroit and intend to order European windows in a month or so. If any of that works for you, happy to coordinate shipping.

    1. Trevor_Lambert | | #6

      I'm about 2 hours away. I don't think it would make financial sense. There'd be two sets of import duties and taxes paid on whichever party has to cross the border with them. Out of curiosity, what place are you buying from?

  5. rondeaunotrondo | | #7

    Check out Koltechs. Made in Canada. U.15. Passive house certified. Reasonably priced.

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