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Will adding polyiso to current setup cause issues?

RockfordHarley | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Hi Im just south of Austin, so zone 2a,  I just built a workshop, with a vented cathedral roof (for loft storage), I havent installed any interior drywall/plywood  yet so the studs are still exposed.

I just recently found out about a local seller with reclaimed 2″ polyiso, with a fiberglass facing on each side, at a very good price. I price I wish I had known about before building, so I could have done exterior insulation.

With my current setup (below) is installing the 2 inch polyiso to the interior studs, on walls and ceiling, going to create any problems moisture wise?

From the outside in. Roof (2×6 rafters):
Galvalume corrugated metal roof
7/16 zip sheathing (taped)
1 inch air space
1 inch of EPS foam as baffle
3.5 inches Fiberglass insulation

From the outside in. Walls (2×4 walls):
hardie lap siding
3/8 rain screen gap
7/16 zip sheathing taped
3.5 inches Fiberglass insulation

I plan on adding drywall to the ceilings, and plywood to the walls (its a woodworking shop).

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

I know the r values still arent up to standard, but this is a workshop, and I only really use it during the colder months here in texas. Im in Montana for the summers. But getting another r12ish seems like itd help, if there arent an drawbacks.


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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Zero downside apart from the the increased difficulty of attaching the interior drywall and plywood.

    1. RockfordHarley | | #2

      Thank you Malcolm I really appreciate the answer.


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