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Feedback on Mitsubishi H2i Hyper Heat Pump

1869farmhouse | Posted in General Questions on

Will a Mitsubishi H2i Hyper Heat handle sub zero temps? The answer is yes.  Mitsubishi heat pump has been running full bore for almost 3 weeks straight with sub zero temperatures and a indoor low of 67 degrees when outdoor temp hit -14.

Maybe someday this will help someone on a Google search, because I was a bit worried myself.  But the proof is in the pudding!  No affiliation of course, but I’m a proponent after this month.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #1

    Bottom line: With modulating equipment it's important to both read the extended temperature capacity tables and to BELIEVE them!

    If you don't bother to even run the load calculations, take a WAG (always oversized), then don't trust the equipment manufacturers' capacity specs you end up with ridiculously oversize equipment that rarely modulates, only cycles, taking a hit in both comfort and efficiency.

    So yes, hyperheating mini-splits (Mitsubishi and others) have specified capacities at temps down into negative double-digits F, and those capacity numbers can be trusted for sizing the heat pump to the load (assuming you have a clue what the actual heating load really is.)

    1. 1869farmhouse | | #2

      I ran a manual J myself using coolcalc and a second paid calculator I no longer remember the name of. It was the best I could do at the time as local resources otherwise are slim to none. I suppose I should have believed the numbers on their face, but I’d never even seen a mini split until I put mine in haha. Thanks for the input Dana.

      1. T_Barker | | #3

        Out of curiosity, how many sq.ft. are you conditioning, how many floors, rooms, etc.? And what is the rated size of your unit?

        1. 1869farmhouse | | #4

          3000 sq ft, single pane windows, minimal insulation, 48k btu Mitsubishi Unit.

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