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Community and Q&A

Why am I “unverified”?

davidmeiland | Posted in General Questions on

When the recent changes to this forum took effect, I was “verified” for a while when posting from my office computer, but not from my laptop. I believe this has something to do with Drupal being unable to maintain a user as logged in on two machines, because the situation is similar on the FHB site. Now it appears I’m unverified on both machines. Ideally I’d like to be able to edit my posts, so that I can continue to type quickly and poorly. What gives?

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    Oh gee, now that I asked a new question I'm verified....

  2. Anonymous | | #2

    I think you have to be officially logged in.

  3. Riversong | | #3


    You have to go through either an X rated Xray scanner or be subjected to a groping hand search before you can be permanently verified.

    Whoa! This is even weirder - this answer got caught in the dreaded SPAM FILTER and was prevented from being posted.

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