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Which concrete footing capillary break to use?

Nfoote | Posted in General Questions on

I am preparing for the pouring of my footings, and my general contractor thinks I’m crazy for wanting to apply a capillary break after they are poured because that is not done here in northern Utah. I have read the previous posts about various products, and I’m having trouble finding them at my local suppliers. The concrete specialty store recommended Melrol LM, made by WR Meadows. Would this be an acceptable product to use, and has anyone had experience using this product in this manner? Thank you for your help! (the spec sheet is attached)

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Nathan, I have not used that product and it looks like it's meant for vertical surfaces, but it might work for you. I have spec'd Vycor, Delta Footing Barrier, or UGL Drylock on various projects. Vycor and Drylock should be available at any decent lumberyard, and they should be able to order the Delta product.

    Capillary breaks are not yet standard practice anywhere I'm aware of so your GC's reaction is typical. With some designs a capillary break at the footing doesn't matter, but in most cases it's a good idea.

  2. AlexPoi | | #2

    A basic 6 mil polyethylene sheathing is what is used here most of the time.

  3. Expert Member

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