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When did homes built with a concrete slab on grade foundation start requiring insulation around the slab?

edwardlouie | Posted in Building Code Questions on

I am trying to develop a document about the insulation levels one could expect in an old home depending on the age of a home. Roughly speaking:

When did homes built with a concrete slab on grade foundation start requiring insulation around the slab? How much rigid insulation was required at the beginning?

When did homes built with a crawlspace foundation or a pier and beam foundation start requiring insulation? How much rigid insulation was required at the beginning?

I have managed to find information about the rough relationships between age of a home and the amount of insulation in the walls, but not a lot of information about the relationships between age of a home and the amount of insulation in the ceiling/attic and the crawlspaces.

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  1. user-723121 | | #1

    In MN it came later in townhomes than in single family as I recall. There were townhomes built slab on grade (guessing mid 2000's) that were really cold on the main level. I checked one in winter with a slab temperature of 52F about 6 feet inside the foundation wall.

  2. Expert Member


    It depends where you are talking about, and what codes, (if any) are enacted there. Any predictions as to what insulation levels you can expect in a home of a certain age is g0ing to be very specific to a certain area, and even then there are variations in how those requirements can be met. Without access to the permit drawings for a particular house, I don't think you can rely on getting much reliable information just from the age of the project.

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