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What would be smartest, safest, and most economical way to hide furnace in this room

PLIERS | Posted in General Questions on

So need some smart building input.  I’m putting kids playroom in basement.  After all the exterior walls are done I have an open room with furnace under stairs.  Not sure easiest way to close this off and hide it for looks and so kids don’t mess with it.  They will try but at least I have made an attempt to show them it’s off limits.  From what I understand, underneath the stairs must be accessible to work on machine from back so can’t close that off.  Ceiling is full of ductwork and wires, so not sure how to design this. I attached some pictures, any ideas are welcome.  Maybe some kind of shelving blocking it I can move a few times a year to service furnace, not sure.

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1


    This thread has some suggestions for creating a new equipment room/closet (

    Is this an electric or gas system?

  2. PLIERS | | #2

    This is a gas system with direct venting to the outside wall. I will read through thread, thank you. Starting to brainstorm ways to put in some kind of moveable system so I can access it without building permanent wall.

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