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What the Tape?!

ChrisD_Ontario | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

If you could choose to tape OSB joints or tape two layers of offset rigid foam, which would you choose for the best best air sealing solution. 


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  1. kyle_r | | #1

    3M 8067 is great. If you want extra assurance or have a difficult substrate spray with 3M 90 adhesive. I’ve heard good things about zip tape, but haven’t used it.

  2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #2

    The OSB. Tape adheres to it better than to foam, and the intersections between it and other materials at the perimeter and penetrations are much easier to do well.

    1. kyle_r | | #3

      Ahh, I missed the question, thanks Malcom!

  3. ChrisD_Ontario | | #4

    That's great guys, thanks for the advice. Now the trick will be to see that the framers are willing to roll out the seams. I was curious if anyone has used 3M 8777? It appears to be the same, but come in 2" rolls and is cheaper ($10-15 per roll cheaper). I would use the 8067 for around windows and such.

    Thanks again!


    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #5


      "Now the trick will be to see that the framers are willing to roll out the seams"

      I guess it depends on what local practice is. Up here we generally use an interior air/vapour barrier, and a lot of the things the framing crews of the high performance builders featured on GBA are expected to do would be met by puzzled stares at best.

    2. andy_ | | #8

      Huber (Zip) makes a roller now that imprints a little "Z" wherever it gets enough pressure applied. Buy one or two of these rollers and make this "Z" inspection part of the requirement for the framers to get paid and they will do it. They'll charge you for it of course, but if it's verifiable and part of the contract then it will get done.
      Also, don't hire the cheapest (worst) crew.

  4. ChrisD_Ontario | | #6

    Are you too, from Ontario Canada lol?

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #7


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