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What method would be best for insulating the exterior of a foundation and still permit the application of stone veneer?

ConserveEnergyOwnerBuilder | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I am wanting to maintain thermal mass inside my envelope so I would like to insulate the exterior of my new foundation. I am considering mineral wool (rock wool) but am not sure about several issues of concern. I am hoping to use the compressed 3″ batts for an R10 value but am unsure exactly how to apply.

FIRST: If I apply rock wool to the exterior of the foundation – how should that be done? Should I use some form of furring strip? What could I use that would withstand burial for 30 yrs.
SECOND: If applied on the exterior – what would the pros/cons for insects and termites?
THIRD: If applied on the exterior – how would I apply a stone veneer (required for all exposed foundation) on the outside of the batts? How would I cover the batts to offer a substrate for the veneer?
FOURTH: What would the drainage issues/benefits for using the batts?
FIFTH: Using top of the line drainage, would there be any issues on backfilling?

Anybody have any experience on something like this?



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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    My advice: if you want to install stone veneer over your exposed foundation wall, you will save yourself a lot of headaches if you insulate your foundation wall on the interior rather than the exterior.

    If you ignore my advice and proceed, here are some documents that may help.

    According to the Installation Guide for Adhered Concrete Masonry Veneer -- a guide that refers to artificial stone veneer, not real stone veneer -- adhered concrete masonry veneer "may be installed on walls insulated with continuous insulation such as rigid foam insulation. Lath attachment methods described in this Guide are generally considered acceptable when ACMV is installed over continuous insulation up to ½" thick. Installation of ACMV over continuous insulation greater than ½" thick generally requires an engineered fastening system. The Foam Sheathing Committee of the American Chemistry Council ( has published a "Guide to Attaching Exterior Wall Coverings through Foam Sheathing to Wood or Steel Wall Framing" that may provide guidance when engineering a fastening system for ACMV (http://"

    A company called Masonry Technology Incorporated publishes details of the kind of installation you propose. I am not endorsing this detail -- merely providing a link in case you are interested. Here is the link: Full Stone Veneer on CMU Backup Wall with Rigid Insulation.

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