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What materials should I use for an indoor pool ceiling?

rebaz86 | Posted in General Questions on

I have an indoor swimming pool , now it is ready for suspended ceiling work but i need some advice about the materials that i have to use it because as you know it should be resistant to moisture please can you help me with that tell me what should i use( i am from iraq ) the materials that we have here are limited for example we have ( knauf gypsum panel , cement board , p. v .c board , )

thank you

best wishes….

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You are correct that you should choose a moisture-resistant finish material. Gypsum panels are a poor choice; materials made of fiberglass, PVC, or stainless steel will be more durable (but of course, more expensive).

    I don't know what materials are available in Iraq, but manufacturers produce stainless-steel suspended ceiling grids for harsh environments. See, for example, this description: "730 Stainless Steel Environmental Ceiling Grid - 15/16" - This system is manufactured to meet performance criteria of severe environmental conditions. The capping of grid is rollformed with 304 alloy, 2D finish Stainless Steel" -- on this page:

  2. user-942951 | | #2

    Useful article on building science for swimming pools

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