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What is this type of window called?

shedworkshop | Posted in General Questions on

I came across this style of window where the entire window is surrounded by a metal frame/casing. What is this type of window installation called? Is it easier/better than traditional window framing? The simplicity of the style certainly looks like it.

The photos are sourced from here (I want to give them proper credit):

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  1. oberon476 | | #1

    Looks like a basic fixed window with an architectural box frame added on the the house as an accent look.
    If it has a specific name I have never heard of it before.

  2. shedworkshop | | #2

    That's the phrase I was looking for, architectural box frame, thank you!

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


      I'm at a bit of a loss as to how you would flash the head.

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines | | #4

        Malcolm, this one and others I've seen with deep extensions are made of steel; a vertical leg could be welded to the top to serve as flashing. I often use a smaller version that I call a fin jamb, with a regular sheet metal drip cap.

        1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #5

          That makes sense. I like the way it frames the views.

        2. shedworkshop | | #12

          When using fin jamb extensions, do they need to be protected? For example, can I use wood as the fin jamb extension? Or does it need to be some sort of weather resistant material?

      2. Expert Member
        Akos | | #6

        I've done this two ways.

        The best is I think what Micheal suggests. Make a larger head flashing that extends out all the way to the edge of the box, the head flashing ties into the WRB above the window and directs any water out past the box. With this setup there is a small drip edge along the top of the box but not really noticeable from the ground.

        The other way is to to gap the top and bottom. This way the water is managed by the standard window details and the box is simply decorative. The top and bottom should still be sloped so any water drains away from the window.

        This detail is also a good way to add shading to south facing windows without building an awning.

    2. oberon476 | | #9

      You're welcome
      I really like the look on that house, and have seen it done using tinted laminated glass

  3. jollygreenshortguy | | #7

    I've seen those installed and they look quite nice at first. They are self-flashing if installed as Michael Maines described. That's easy to accomplish if it's made of metal. Typically they are made of corten steel, which is what we appear to see in the photo.
    Keep in mind that corten steel, any metal that rusts, will also bleed. Come back in a few years and you'll likely see unsightly stains down the facade of that pretty little building. By that time, of course, the architect and photographer will have long since left the scene of the crime.

    Do a Google image search of "corten steel bleed" to see what I mean.

    1. shedworkshop | | #8

      You're right; they don't look so pretty. Are there any other materials to watch out for with that sort of thing? For example, I feel like I've seen photos before of siding that discolors at different rates depending on window and roof overhang placement; I just can't find any of those photos right now.

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #10


        They sell Corten steel sealers to stop the surface bleeding.

        1. paulmagnuscalabro | | #11

          One sealer I've used on Corten is Penetrol; it can be a really beautiful finish, though it does need to be reapplied periodically. Super easy to apply, just wipe it on and rub it in a bit with a rag. Probably a good idea to wear gloves, and a word of caution: Penetrol-soaked rags can spontaneously combust, so make sure you toss the rags somewhere that'll be safe if they catch fire.

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