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What is the recommended thickness of a vapor barrier under a 18″ raised house in southern Miss.?

myragold | Posted in General Questions on

What is the reccomended thickness of a vapor barrier under a 18 inch raised house in southern Mississipi?

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    You mean the floor joists raised 18" off the ground? On a concrete perimeter foundation? On piers? Is there framing or skirting around the base?

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Assuming that you want to cover dirt under a house on piers, you should use polyethylene that is at least 6 mils thick. A thicker ground cover will be more durable than a thinner one.

    Hold the polyethylene in place with bricks, stones, or a layer of sand. Be sure to install skirting to keep out cats and raccoons.

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