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What is the best lumber to use that is anti-mold and low-VOC?

PenOC | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I am building a house and would like to use all low or no voc products from lumber to insulation to interior. I am also wanting to have as much anti-mold products as possible. What suggestions for the lumber, foundation and sealing, and insulation?

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    At a high level, you need to build a home that is well sealed and insulated. Preventing moisture from entering the structure will go a long way to helping you prevent mold and mildew. Equally important is designing an effective ventilation strategy.

    You might want to search GBA for articles on how to build a "pretty good house." At the same time, I would warn you that building a high-performance "green" home is a complex (and at times frustrating) endeavor. You will have a much better experience if you can partner with a conscientious green builder, home designer, or architect.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    I haven't heard of any common types of lumber that raise VOC concerns. So I don't think you have to worry about lumber.

    Preventing mold on framing lumber really has nothing to do with the type of lumber you choose. It has more to do with:

    (a) doing your best to prevent mold growth during construction -- which isn't always possible,

    (b) designing a house that isn't likely to have high indoor humidity,

    (c) designing a house with good exterior water management details, and

    (d) installing a good ventilation system and operating the system with intelligence.

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