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What economical material to use to stop possible moisture wicking?

stevensfavorite | Posted in General Questions on


I am replacing bottom plates of interior walls that rest on a cement floor.

I would like to stop any possible wicking of moisture from the concrete floor to the 2×4 bottom plate.
I am considering stapling 30 min tar paper to the bottom of the 2×4 plate and then foam sill gasket material over the tar paper.
Don’t know if this is a good idea or not. Is it possible to get a reaction between the tar paper and the foam sill gasket.
Don’t know if foam sill gasket wicks moisture or not.

Do you folks have any suggestions as to what would do the job. 15 lb roofing felt ? 30 1b roofing felt ?

I live in a remote area so I don’t have access to all the latest and greatest gasket material’

Thanks, Bill.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    First of all, the bottom plate of any wall sitting on concrete should be pressure-treated.

    A good material to act as a capillary break -- to stop wicking -- is ordinary sill seal made of closed-cell foam.

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