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What do you reccomend for slab edge insulation protection?

user-874216 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Every detail I have seen shows a protective layer but fails to say what has been used succesfully. I have thought of IRMA insulation but it is pricy and not readily available for the homebuilder. It would seem that something made for that purose should be available at a reasonable cost.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    This question has come up a lot. There were a slew of answers the last time someone asked the same question:

  2. JGarvey | | #2

    Hi Bob,
    There's a slab edge insulation product called Energy Edge that may help you with future projects. Energy Edge is a form that remains in place as a permanent, functional part of the building, providing R-10 insulation at the slab edge, a vapor barrier, pest- and mold protection and labor savings.
    It was featured in Green Building Advisor here:
    For more information including technical data, here's the site:
    Martin: I'd be interested in your opinion about this product. (The company is in my hometown.)

  3. Expert Member


    Bob's question was posted eight years ago. He may not still be around to reply.

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