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What coolant that can be applied to an existing metal roof? Cost a fortune to cool building.

ameliaq | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Trying to cool my building. 15 yr old metal building for retail business.


  1. iLikeDirt | | #1

    I gather this is a metal structure with no insulation? What's the climate? Is it just hot, or does it get cold too?

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    If your building is air conditioned, it needs to be insulated. Insulation is required by code.

    If you have adequate levels of insulation -- at least code minimum insulation, which in most of the U.S. is either R-38 or R-49 -- between your hot roof and your ceiling, then you'll have enough insulation that you don't have to worry about your roofing temperature.

    You may also be getting lots of heat gain through your windows.

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