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What causes condensation in every window in the house?

JP Mullins | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

Recently we built a new home with stucco exterior and icynene spray foam insulation. In the winter months condensation develops in every window of the house even the front door. What could be causing this problem? I suspect the heating and cooling contractor may have used the bubble wrap underneath the house to wrap the heating and cooling distribution system. Could this be the problem?
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation and advice.

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  1. oberon476 | | #1

    Good morning Joann,

    From your description it sounds like you have way too much humidity in your home.

    This isn't uncommon in new homes as the building components dry out.

    Do you use a humidifier? That can definitely add to the problem.

    Make sure that your home is well ventilated. Running the exhaust fans in the bathrooms a little longer after showers can help as well.

    Wrapping heating and cooling components wouldn't have any effect on indoor humidity levels,, so no worries there.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Greg gave you good advice. The problem you describe is a symptom of too much moisture in your indoor air (elevated interior relative humidity, or RH). Recently built houses have a lot of moisture in the foundation (concrete), framing lumber, drywall compound, and paint, and it can take a full year -- sometimes two years -- for all of this moisture to dry out.

    During the winter, you can lower the indoor RH by running exhaust fans. However, during the summer (especially east of the Rocky Mountains), outdoor air can hold more moisture than indoor air. Under those conditions, the only way to reduce indoor RH is to operate an air conditioner or dehumidifier.

    For more information on window condensation, see Rating Windows for Condensation Resistance.

  3. BobHr | | #3

    Bubble wrap under the house? Did they really put bubble wrap under the slab?

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